Last updated: 2023-04-11
Checks: 7 0
Knit directory: fitnessGWAS/
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Ignored: .Rproj.user/
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Ignored: code/Drosophila_GWAS.Rmd
Ignored: data/.DS_Store
Ignored: data/derived/
Ignored: data/input/.DS_Store
Ignored: data/input/.pversion
Ignored: data/input/dgrp.fb557.annot.txt
Ignored: data/input/dgrp2.bed
Ignored: data/input/dgrp2.bim
Ignored: data/input/dgrp2.fam
Ignored: data/input/huang_transcriptome/
Ignored: figures/.DS_Store
Ignored: old_analyses/.DS_Store
Untracked files:
Untracked: code/~$in_paper_figures.docx
Untracked: old_analyses/Data for old analyses/
Untracked: old_analyses/eQTL_analysis.Rmd
Untracked: old_analyses/fitness_data.csv
Untracked: old_analyses/gcta_quant_genetics_OLD.Rmd
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Unstaged changes:
Modified: analysis/index.Rmd
Modified: analysis/plot_models_variant_effects.Rmd
Modified: code/main_paper_figures.Rmd
Modified: code/main_paper_figures.docx
Modified: code/pdf_supp_material.Rmd
Modified: code/pdf_supp_material.pdf
Deleted: figures/fig1.pdf
Modified: figures/fig3_boyle_plot.pdf
Modified: figures/fig4_mutation_load.pdf
Modified: figures/fig5_quartiles_plot.pdf
Modified: figures/fig6_antagonism_ratios.pdf
Modified: figures/fig7_models.pdf
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) and
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) files. If you’ve configured
a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote
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the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that
past version.
File | Version | Author | Date | Message |
Rmd | 8427a55 | lukeholman | 2023-04-11 | wflow_publish("analysis/quant_genetics.Rmd") |
html | 9aa7785 | lukeholman | 2023-04-10 | Build site. |
Rmd | 811b5bc | lukeholman | 2023-04-10 | wflow_publish("analysis/quant_genetics.Rmd") |
html | 2fc5bef | lukeholman | 2023-03-21 | Build site. |
Rmd | 358afb4 | lukeholman | 2023-03-21 | Tidying up and small edits |
Rmd | b3604fe | lukeholman | 2023-03-15 | Tweaks |
html | ea08653 | lukeholman | 2023-03-13 | Build site. |
Rmd | d16c98d | lukeholman | 2023-03-13 | wflow_publish("analysis/quant_genetics.Rmd") |
html | 7fc071b | lukeholman | 2023-03-13 | Build site. |
Rmd | 8613e36 | lukeholman | 2023-03-13 | wflow_publish("analysis/quant_genetics.Rmd") |
options(readr.show_col_types = FALSE)
# Load the 'raw' data, giving the fitness of each replicate vial
fitness_data <- bind_rows(
read_csv("data/input/male_fitness_CLEANED.csv")) %>%
mutate(male_fitness_early = early.male.focal / (early.male.focal + early.male.rival),
male_fitness_late = late.male.focal / (late.male.focal + late.male.rival)) %>%
rename_all(~ str_replace_all(.x, "[.]", "_"))
# Load the estimated line mean fitness values calculated by brms
line_means <- read_csv("data/derived/predicted_line_means.csv") %>%
mutate(line = factor(str_remove_all(line, "_"))) %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(`Female fitness early` =,
`Female fitness late` =,
`Male fitness early` =,
`Male fitness late` = %>%
rename(female_fitness_early =,
female_fitness_late =,
male_fitness_early =,
male_fitness_late =
Here, we calculate the proportion of variance in each fitness trait that is explained by DGRP line. The proportion of explained variance (also called “repeatability”) for DGRP line is approximately equal to the broad sense heritability, since in our study flies from the same line have identical genotypes.
To calculate repeatability, we use the approach recommended by
Nakagawa & Schielzeth (2010, Biological Reviews 85:
935-956), which is implemented in the function rpt
from the
package rptR
. In short, in the code below, rpt
fits either a Poisson GLMM (for the two female fitness traits) or a
Binomial GLMM (for the two male fitness traits) using the
package, and estimates the proportion of the total
variance that is explained for each random effect in the model. For all
four fitness traits, the GLMM we fitted had the model formula
Y ~ (1 | line) + (1 | block)
, i.e. we fit a random
intercept for DGRP line and experimental block, and no fixed effects.
Using a model with the block effect included is more conservative and
more accurate, since not all lines were equally represented in every
block; therefore, we would artificially inflate the line-level
repeatability (and thus our estimate of heritability) if we ignored
variation in fitness caused by block effects.
When calculating repeatability from models with a link function, one can calculate either the “Latent scale approximation” or the “Original scale approximation” (see the ‘rptR’ vignette). We focus on the former because in most of our analyses we focused on the estimated fitness of each DGRP line on the latent scale, though in practice the choice does not matter much because the repeatability estimates are very similar.
For simplicity, we present just the results of interest in the first table (which is the one discussed in the paper), and present all the results in a second table that can be viewed by clicking the tab. The “Simple table” shows the line-level repeatability, \(R\), for each trait (the Latent scale approximation), along with the associated SE and CIs from parametric bootstrapping. The “Full table” also shows the Original scale approximation estimates and the block effects.
female_early_repeatability <- rpt(female_fitness_early ~ (1 | line) + (1 | block),
grname = c("line", "block"),
data = fitness_data %>% filter(!,
datatype = "Poisson", nboot = 1000, npermut = 0)
female_late_repeatability <- rpt(female_fitness_late ~ (1 | line) + (1 | block),
grname = c("line", "block"),
data = fitness_data %>% filter(!,
datatype = "Poisson", nboot = 1000, npermut = 0)
male_early_repeatability <- rpt(cbind(early_male_focal, early_male_rival) ~ (1 | line) + (1 | block),
grname = c("line", "block"),
data = fitness_data %>%
filter(! & ! %>%
filter(early_male_focal + early_male_rival > 0),
datatype = "Proportion", nboot = 1000, npermut = 0)
male_late_repeatability <- rpt(cbind(late_male_focal, late_male_rival) ~ (1 | line) + (1 | block),
grname = c("line", "block"),
data = fitness_data %>%
filter(! & ! %>%
filter(late_male_focal + late_male_rival > 0),
datatype = "Proportion", nboot = 1000, npermut = 0)
process_rpt_object <- function(rpt, fitness_trait){
link <- cbind(data.frame(R = as.numeric(rpt$R["R_link", ]),
SE = as.numeric(rpt$se["se_link", ])),
rpt$CI_emp$CI_link) %>% mutate(Scale = "Latent scale approximation",
Predictor = c("line", "block"),
Trait = fitness_trait)
original <- cbind(data.frame(R = as.numeric(rpt$R["R_org", ]),
SE = as.numeric(rpt$se["se_org", ])),
rpt$CI_emp$CI_org) %>% mutate(Scale = "Original scale approximation",
Predictor = c("line", "block"),
Trait = fitness_trait)
bind_rows(link, original) %>%
select(Trait, Scale, Predictor, everything()) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
rename(`Lower 95% CI` = `2.5%`, `Upper 95% CI` = `97.5%`)
repeatability_table <- bind_rows(process_rpt_object(female_early_repeatability, "Female fitness early"),
process_rpt_object(female_late_repeatability, "Female fitness late"),
process_rpt_object(male_early_repeatability, "Male fitness early"),
process_rpt_object(male_late_repeatability, "Male fitness late"))
simple_repeatability_table <- repeatability_table %>%
filter(Scale == "Latent scale approximation", Predictor == "line") %>%
select(-Scale, -Predictor)
saveRDS(simple_repeatability_table, "data/derived/simple_repeatability_table.rds")
simple_repeatability_table %>%
kable(digits = 2) %>% kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Trait | R | SE | Lower 95% CI | Upper 95% CI |
Female fitness early | 0.49 | 0.05 | 0.39 | 0.59 |
Female fitness late | 0.45 | 0.06 | 0.34 | 0.59 |
Male fitness early | 0.06 | 0.01 | 0.04 | 0.08 |
Male fitness late | 0.17 | 0.03 | 0.12 | 0.22 |
# Create a function to build HTML searchable tables
my_data_table <- function(df){
df, rownames = FALSE,
autoHideNavigation = TRUE,
extensions = c("Scroller", "Buttons"),
options = list(
autoWidth = TRUE,
dom = 'Bfrtip',
scrollX=TRUE, scrollY=1000,
pageLength = 10
repeatability_table %>%
The table shows the Pearson correlation coefficients between the DGRP
line means (estimated from the two brms
models in the
script get_predicted_line_means.Rmd
) for each pair of
fitness traits, across our sample of DGRP lines. These correlations
approximate the genetic correlations between each pair of fitness
tidy_correlation_test <- function(x, y){
focal_dat <- line_means %>%
select(!!x, !!y)
focal_dat <- focal_dat[complete.cases(focal_dat), ]
x_dat <- focal_dat %>% pull(!! x)
y_dat <- focal_dat %>% pull(!! y)
se_r <- function(corr){
sqrt((1-corr$estimate^2) / (corr$parameter))
corr <- cor.test(x_dat, y_dat)
`Variable 1` = x,
`Variable 2` = y,
`Pearson correlation` = as.numeric(corr$estimate),
SE = se_r(corr),
`Lower 95% CI` = corr$[1],
`Upper 95% CI` = corr$[2],
`p value` = corr$p.value)
firstup <- function(x) {
substr(x, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(x, 1, 1))
line_mean_corrs <- bind_rows(
tidy_correlation_test("female_fitness_early", "female_fitness_late"),
tidy_correlation_test("female_fitness_early", "male_fitness_early"),
tidy_correlation_test("female_fitness_early", "male_fitness_late"),
tidy_correlation_test("female_fitness_late", "male_fitness_early"),
tidy_correlation_test("female_fitness_late", "male_fitness_late"),
tidy_correlation_test("male_fitness_early", "male_fitness_late"),
) %>% mutate(`Variable 1` = str_replace_all(`Variable 1`, "_", " "),
`Variable 2` = str_replace_all(`Variable 2`, "_", " "),
`Variable 1` = firstup(`Variable 1`),
`Variable 2` = firstup(`Variable 2`))
saveRDS(line_mean_corrs, "data/derived/line_mean_corrs.rds")
line_mean_corrs %>%
kable(digits = 3) %>% kable_styling()
Variable 1 | Variable 2 | Pearson correlation | SE | Lower 95% CI | Upper 95% CI | p value |
Female fitness early | Female fitness late | 0.766 | 0.058 | 0.682 | 0.830 | 0.000 |
Female fitness early | Male fitness early | 0.228 | 0.088 | 0.054 | 0.389 | 0.011 |
Female fitness early | Male fitness late | 0.172 | 0.089 | -0.004 | 0.338 | 0.056 |
Female fitness late | Male fitness early | 0.317 | 0.086 | 0.149 | 0.467 | 0.000 |
Female fitness late | Male fitness late | 0.317 | 0.086 | 0.149 | 0.467 | 0.000 |
Male fitness early | Male fitness late | 0.864 | 0.046 | 0.812 | 0.903 | 0.000 |
We here use bootstrapping to test whether A) the inter-sex genetic correlation for fitness changes between the two age classes, and B) the genetic correlation between fitness in early- and late-life differs between males and females.
female_w_early <- line_means$female_fitness_early
male_w_early <- line_means$male_fitness_early
female_w_late <- line_means$female_fitness_late
male_w_late <- line_means$male_fitness_late
cor1_actual <- cor(female_w_early, male_w_early)
cor2_actual <- cor(female_w_late, male_w_late)
n_bootstraps <- 10000
n_lines <- length(female_w_early)
cor1 <- cor2 <- rep(0, n_bootstraps)
for(i in 1:n_bootstraps){
samp <- sample(n_lines, n_lines, replace = TRUE)
cor1[i] <- cor(female_w_early[samp], male_w_early[samp])
cor2[i] <- cor(female_w_late[samp], male_w_late[samp])
data.frame(diff = cor2 - cor1) %>%
summarise(`Inter-sex correlation (early life)` = cor1_actual,
`Inter-sex correlation (late life)` = cor2_actual,
`Difference in estimated correlations` = cor2_actual - cor1_actual,
`Difference, lower 95% CI (bootstrapped)` =
as.numeric(quantile(diff, probs = c(0.025))),
`Difference, upper 95% CI (bootstrapped)` =
as.numeric(quantile(diff, probs = c(0.975))),
`Proportion bootstrap samples < 0 (1-tail p)` = sum(diff < 0) / n_bootstraps) %>%
gather(Parameter, `Estimated value`) %>%
kable(digits = 3) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F)
Parameter | Estimated value |
Inter-sex correlation (early life) | 0.228 |
Inter-sex correlation (late life) | 0.317 |
Difference in estimated correlations | 0.089 |
Difference, lower 95% CI (bootstrapped) | -0.057 |
Difference, upper 95% CI (bootstrapped) | 0.232 |
Proportion bootstrap samples < 0 (1-tail p) | 0.117 |
rm(cor1); rm(cor2)
cor1_actual <- cor(female_w_early, female_w_late)
cor2_actual <- cor(male_w_early, male_w_late)
n_bootstraps <- 10000
n_lines <- length(female_w_early)
cor1 <- cor2 <- rep(0, n_bootstraps)
for(i in 1:n_bootstraps){
samp <- sample(n_lines, n_lines, replace = TRUE)
cor1[i] <- cor(female_w_early[samp], female_w_late[samp])
cor2[i] <- cor(male_w_early[samp], male_w_late[samp])
data.frame(diff = cor2 - cor1) %>%
summarise(`Inter-age correlation (females)` = cor1_actual,
`Inter-age correlation (males)` = cor2_actual,
`Difference in estimated correlations` = cor2_actual - cor1_actual,
`Difference, lower 95% CI (bootstrapped)` =
as.numeric(quantile(diff, probs = c(0.025))),
`Difference, upper 95% CI (bootstrapped)` =
as.numeric(quantile(diff, probs = c(0.975))),
`Proportion bootstrap samples < 0 (1-tail p)` = sum(diff < 0) / n_bootstraps) %>%
gather(Parameter, `Estimated value`) %>%
kable(digits = 3) %>% kable_styling(full_width = F)
Parameter | Estimated value |
Inter-age correlation (females) | 0.766 |
Inter-age correlation (males) | 0.864 |
Difference in estimated correlations | 0.098 |
Difference, lower 95% CI (bootstrapped) | 0.008 |
Difference, upper 95% CI (bootstrapped) | 0.215 |
Proportion bootstrap samples < 0 (1-tail p) | 0.015 |
rm(cor1); rm(cor2)
R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
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